High Quality Early Learning & Child Care



We believe that the best way to respond to children is individually. Infants tend to be less predictable. Infants depend entirely upon adults for physical and emotional sustenance; the quality of adult interactions with them is particularly important. It is through meaningful interactions that an infant develops his / her sense of a calm and orderly world. These interactions nurture a child’s trust and help her develop emotionally.


The centerpiece of Four Stars’ infant program is social contact: infants are held, talked to, looked at (eye to eye), cooed at, touched, stroked and patted. Their actions are mimicked. Infants are exercised, washed and changed without delay. All this human contact encourages babies to communicate and helps them develop the self confidence to explore their environment. The infants’ environment allows them to alter and investigate it in ways they choose, when they choose. It is clean, colorful and interesting. There are toys and materials to attract their attention and challenge the ingenuity of infants. The play space, whether indoors or out, encourages mobility and discovery through exploration. The adult is the home base for the exploring infant, the sounding board for vocalization and a helper when things seem too difficult to manage.

A Typical Day in the Nursery

This infant care program schedule is flexible enough to accommodate children’s individual needs, so times may vary. Feeding, changing and napping routines are interspersed with holding, patting, touching and talking to the children for comfort and stimulation throughout the day.


We complete the Infant Daily Log. We assess your child’s needs regarding diapering, feeding and napping routines based upon the information you provide and establish a schedule for the day.


Outdoors, your child may reach for bubbles, roll balls, or ride the swing. Indoors, he / she may explore different textures, sounds, sights and smells.


After lunch, we play soothing music and rock your baby and gently stroke your child’s back to provide comfort and security as he / she falls asleep.


Outdoors, your child may discover a gentle breeze, and gaze at billowing clouds. Indoors, he / she focuses on music, investigates cause and effect toys and exercises her arms and legs.


Together, we share information about the day’s events including your child’s feeding, sleeping and eating routines. We give you a "cuddle gram” for all of your child’s feeding, sleeping and diaper changes.


Four Stars provides milk, juice, water successfully introduced at home for your infant, subject to your instructions, your pediatricians’ recommendations and our inventory. Parents are to provide all formula and Four Stars does provide all the baby food that your child would require. Staff members hold infants during feeding until they can sit in a high chair. They will later graduate to sharing a small table with other children at meal and snack times. We provide a complete report of each infant’s daily intake of solids and liquids for you at pick up time. You provide a similar report to the staff at drop off time. Take home copies of these reports are provided daily.


Nursing mothers are welcome anytime. Let us know your schedule so we don’t interfere. Pacifies, nursing bottles, bottle liners, bibs, nipples and nipple collar assemblies are personal preference items which you must supply. Please remember to label all personal property you bring to the facility. Four Stars Childcare Facility provides all crib linens.


A teacher leads Four Stars infant group of 7 children. Other caregivers assist the teacher who reports to the program director. Infant activities occur most frequently in groups of four under the leadership of a since caregiver, always under the supervision or direct control of the teacher.


The infant space is "shoeless” to keep it clean enough for the children to crawl and play in. We appreciate your accommodation n removing your shoes before you enter.

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